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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
The Notoriety wheel when a pirate is mastered.

Definition (Noun)[]

At Level 50 Notoriety, a pirate becomes a Pirate Master - meaning they are as notorious as possible. Though some do not consider a pirate a Master Pirate until all of their Skills are maximized as well. Many of these are seen as role models.

  • A Master pirate no longer earns Notoriety points, but any skill points will still amass until that skill is mastered.
  • A Master pirate will not suffer from Groggy if they are KO'ed.

Definition (Verb)[]

The acting of 'mastering' or reaching 'master' level Pirate at level 50 notoriety or the highest level on skills.

Game Notes[]

  • The "master" level for notoriety used to be 30, then increased to 40, and then 50.
  • All weapons master at 30. It used to be 25.
  • Potions, Fishing, and Gambling are "mastered" at level 20.
A weapon being mastered.
Notoriety being mastered.
Health/voodoo increase when mastered.
Mastering a weapon puts a skull and changes the bar to white.